Home | Ballet Hispánico at Tarrytown Music Hall | The Hudson Independent

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Aug 1, 2022

Ballet Hispánico at Tarrytown Music Hall | The Hudson Independent

Ballerina with dark brown hair in bun and in bare feet and read bodysuit leaning forward

The Tar­ry­town Mu­sic Hall will share its space with River­Arts on Saturday, October 1, 2022 to present a special evening of dance performed by Bal­let His­pánico from 7:30 to 10:00 p.m.

For fifty years Ballet Hispánico has been the leading voice intersecting artistic excellence and advocacy — and is now the largest Latinx cultural organization in the United States, and one of America’s cultural treasures. Ballet Hispánico brings communities together to celebrate and explore Latino cultures through innovative dance productions, transformative dance training, and enduring community engagement experiences.

The evening will com­prise an ex­cit­ing pro­gram of three ex­hil­a­rat­ing dances to cel­e­brate Na­tional His­panic Her­itage Month.

Premier ticket holders will enjoy the best seats in the house as well as an after-party offering light refreshments and salsa dancing following the concert — with the dancers from Bal­let His­pánico .

National Medal of Arts recipient Tina Ramirez founded Bal­let His­pánico in 1970, at the height of the post-war civil rights movements. From its inception Ballet Hispánico focused on providing a haven for Black and Brown Latinx youth and families seeking artistic place and cultural sanctuary. By providing the space for Latinx dance and dancers to flourish, Ballet Hispánico uplifted marginalized emerging and working artists, which combined with the training, authenticity of voice, and power of representation, fueled the organization’s roots and trajectory. 

In 2009, Ballet Hispánico welcomed Eduardo Vilaro as its Artistic Director, ushering in a new era by inserting fresh energy to the company’s founding values and leading Ballet Hispánico into an artistically vibrant future. Today, Ballet Hispánico’s New York City headquarters house a School of Dance and state-of-the-art dance studios for its programs and the arts community. From its grassroots origins as a dance school and community-based performing arts troupe, for fifty years Ballet Hispánico has stood as a catalyst for social change.

Ballet Hispánico provides the physical home and cultural heart for Latinx dance in the United States. Ballet Hispánico has developed a robust public presence across its three main programs: its Company, School of Dance, and Community Arts Partnerships.

Through its ex­em­plary artistry, dis­tin­guished train­ing pro­gram, and deep-rooted com­mu­nity en­gage­ment ef­forts Bal­let His­pánico cham­pi­ons and am­pli­fies un­der­rep­re­sented voices in the field. For fifty years Bal­let His­pánico has pro­vided a place of honor for the omit­ted, over­looked, and op­pressed. As it looks to the next fifty years and be­yond, Bal­let His­pánico seeks to em­power, and give agency to, the Lat­inx ex­pe­ri­ence and those in­di­vid­u­als within it.

For tick­ets to the Oc­to­ber 1st per­for­mance, visit: https://​tick­ets.tar­ry­town­mu­sichall.org/​event­per­for­mances.asp?evt=2617

For over half a cen­tury, River­Arts has con­nected per­form­ers, mu­si­cians, and art-mak­ers with River­towns au­di­ences, be­liev­ing in the power of art to ex­press, trans­form, and bring joy to our lives and our com­mu­nity.

River­Arts serves artists and arts lovers of all ages. Sig­na­ture pro­grams in­clude large, multi-vil­lage events like the an­nual Mu­sic Tour and Stu­dio Tour, both free to the pub­lic. River­Arts of­fers a dy­namic ed­u­ca­tion pro­gram for stu­dents of mu­sic, art and dance with world-class pro­fes­sional in­struc­tors at af­ford­able prices. Host­ing nu­mer­ous con­ver­sa­tions, con­certs, and gath­er­ings that in­vite au­di­ences to en­gage di­rectly with award-win­ning artists, writ­ers, dancers, di­rec­tors, and mu­si­cians, River­Arts strives to make the arts a vi­tal and ac­ces­si­ble part of every­day life in our com­mu­nity.

Built in 1885, the Tar­ry­town Mu­sic Hall is listed on the Na­tional Reg­is­ter for His­toric Places. Its mis­sion is three-fold: to pre­sent di­verse and rel­e­vant pro­gram­ming in mu­sic, the­ater, dance, and film for the en­rich­ment of the tri-state com­mu­nity; to pro­mote arts ed­u­ca­tion through classes, part­ner­ships, per­form­ing op­por­tu­ni­ties, and res­i­den­cies; and to pre­serve and re­store the his­toric Mu­sic Hall so that it may con­tinue to be a vi­brant per­form­ing arts cen­ter and cat­a­lyst for sus­tain­able eco­nomic de­vel­op­ment in our area.

The Tar­ry­town Mu­sic Hall is lo­cated at 13 Main Street, Tar­ry­town, New York 10591. To reach the box of­fice, call (914) 631-3390.


P.O. Box 60
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY 10706
(914) 412-5120